All Saints Blackwell - Brownies, Rainbows & Guides
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Brownies, Rainbows & Guides

There are a range of Brownies, Rainbows and Guides groups which meet regularly at All Saints Church. Take a look below for contact details and further information.


Contact Details:

Name: Jenny Groves
Tel No: 01325 281487
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6.00PM
Location: Salutation Hall

11th Brownies

Contact Details:

Name: Julie Ross
Tel No: 07870 605570
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6.15pm

12th Brownies

Contact Details:

Name: Anita Wilson
Tel No: 01325 253501
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6.00PM

29th Rainbows

Contact Details:

Name: Jill Wildsmith
Tel No: 01325 486595
Day: Thursday
Time: 6.00PM

Further Information:

Rainbows are the youngest members of the Girlguiding movement.  Girls can start Rainbows when they are 5 years old and leave (generally to move onto Brownies) when they are 7. 

At 29th Darlington Rainbows we can have upto 15 very enthusiastic 5-7 year olds enrolled to be Rainbows.  We always have a good attendance and they always come with a big smile.  We meet on a Thursday evening from 6-7pm.

 A typical week starts with our special Rainbow song, followed by a Rainbow chat about what we have all been up to in the week.  Olivia the doll makes sure that each Rainbow has a turn to speak.  The Rainbows then enjoy an activity.  The activity could be making a craft or cooking (Rainbows love making things); or maybe exploring the local environment. Our activity is usually followed by a game or two which is chosen by the girls.  We finish our meeting with our goodbye song.  

Part of being a Rainbow at All Saints is to attend Church Parade, which is held four times a year. Rainbows are also encouraged to take part in other areas of Church life, such as coming to the Summer Garden Party or Christmas Fayre.

29th Guides

Contact Details:

Name: Louise Gibson
Tel No: 01325 243961
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7.30PM

Contact us

All Saints’ Church, Ravensdale Road, Darlington, DL3 8DT
01325 469891
The Parish of Blackwell, All Saints’ and Salutation © 2025
Site by DL3