All Saints Blackwell - Parish Vision
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Parish Vision

Our Vision is:

“To Grow God’s Kingdom through All Saints’ and Salutation, Blackwell”.


We believe God is calling us to do this by:

  1.  Growing the Church
  2.  Growing as Disciples
  3.  Growing in Service to the parish and beyond


Our aim is to nurture this growth in the following ways:

Growing the Church - we plan to care for members of the existing congregation and attract new people by developing:

  • Communication within and beyond our congregations
  • Welcome and an inclusive ethos
  • Fellowship opportunities for everyone
  • Outreach to the whole community


Growing as Disciples - we plan to offer appropriate help to those seeking to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, fostering a clearer sense of personal vocation, by developing:

  • Worship - by making it as good as possible and meeting the needs of as many people as possible
  • Prayer - both private and corporate, by appropriate and imaginative support and encouragement
  • Home Groups - for all who desire them
  • Learning - by offering a variety of opportunities that respond to needs


Growing in Service to the parish and beyond - we plan, as the parish church, and working where possible in partnership with others, to serve the needs of this parish and the wider world through the five aims of mission:

  • Practical needs of local people
  • Particular needs of people aged between 18 and 30
  • Pastoral needs of all ages
  • Challenges of injustice
  • Challenge to care for God’s Creation 

Contact us

All Saints’ Church, Ravensdale Road, Darlington, DL3 8DT
01325 469891
The Parish of Blackwell, All Saints’ and Salutation © 2025
Site by DL3