All Saints Blackwell - Groups
Announcement: For the latest information on upcoming services, visit the Upcoming Services area
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Welcome to our badminton group, which meets each Friday night from 8.00 - 10.00 p.m.,  in the Millennium Centre Hall, Ravensdale Road. Read More

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

There are a range of Beavers, Cubs & Scouts groups which meet regularly at All Saints Church. Take a look below for contact details and further information. Read More

Brownies, Rainbows & Guides

There are a range of Brownies, Rainbows and Guides groups which meet regularly at All Saints Church. Take a look below for contact details and further information. Read More

Children's Church

We are delighted to be able to share with you this information about our Junior Church groups and activities. At All Saints' we are committed to supporting parents and godparents in the nurture of children and young people in the Christian faith. On Sundays and during the week there are exciting and enjoyable opportunities for all members of the family, and here are the details for the younger members. Read More

Circle Dancing

Circle Dancing is held on Monday evenings in Salutation Hall between 1:45PM and 3:45PM during school term time. Read More

Green Action Group

The purpose of the Green Action Group is to help the Church to appreciate our individual and joint share of responsibility for global warming, and to relate this to our Christian faith. The Group will encourage the Church and the wider community to move to a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle that will protect all God’s creation and ensure justice for all God’s people. Read More

Hand Bell Ringers

All Saints’ Hand Bell Ringers have been ‘ding -­‐ donging’ for charity for nearly 15 years, and in that time have raised over £24,000 for good causes not directly associated with the church including the Great North Air Ambulance, various cancer charities, Darlington Age UK, Darlington Town Mission and Darlington Samaritans. However, weurgently need more people to join us and swell our numbers, to enable us to continue in the future. The reality is that unless we can attract new members, we may not be able to continue to ring and support local charities at Christmas. Read More

Ladies Fellowship

We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month during term time, at 7.30pm in the Millennium Centre in All Saints' and Salutation Church, which is situated in Ravensdale Road.  Read More

Mens Group

The Men’s Fellowship within the parish gives a valued opportunity for the male members of the congregation to meet together on a monthly basis.  Usually on the second or the third Tuesday evenings, our meetings vary from formal dinners with speakers to visits to the local Royal Mail sorting office; from hearing about how someone came to faith through a near-death experience to playing quoits at the invitation of the local club. Read More

Music Group

We're currently working on this section, but feel free to contact us with any enquiries. Read More

Parent and Toddler Group

Our Friday group is suitable for ages from 0 - 2 1/2 Years. Read More

Craft Group

Name: Craft Group Read More

Contact us

All Saints’ Church, Ravensdale Road, Darlington, DL3 8DT
01325 469891
The Parish of Blackwell, All Saints’ and Salutation © 2025
Site by DL3