All Saints Blackwell - Choir
Announcement: For the latest information on upcoming services, visit the Upcoming Services area
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Group Name: Days We Meet: Meeting Time: Contact Name: Contact Number: Location:







Come and join us!

All Saints’ Church Choir are a friendly group who meet to enjoy the fellowship that comes from singing. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to give it a go! We don’t ask you to commit to specific weeks or services, we know that everyone is busy – we would love to see you whenever you can come.

Outwardly, we are a traditional robed choir, but we enjoy singing a wide range of music from gospel songs to medieval chants.

The purpose of the choir is to enhance the worship at church through leading the singing and providing additional music such as anthems. Our rehearsals are informal (and hopefully fun) and aim to improve everyone’s skills and musical knowledge. We have no auditions and will ensure that you have the support needed to become a confident member of the group

Contact us

All Saints’ Church, Ravensdale Road, Darlington, DL3 8DT
01325 469891
The Parish of Blackwell, All Saints’ and Salutation © 2025
Site by DL3